PvM 05/03/2025: exam, Friday, March 7, B9240 (Aurora), 13:30-15:30.
PvM 03/03/2025: below You now also can find here the files for Week 3.
PvM 21/02/2025: below You can find information on the assignment.
PvM 18/02/2025: see below under ``additional''.
PvM 16/02/2025: remember that (only) on this webpage You can find
updates of the slides and exercise sets
(where typo's and so on are corrected). In addition short solutions
of the exercises are provided.
PvM 13/02/2025: below You can find Lesson 3 and Exercise set 2.
PvM 08/02/2025: below You can find Lessons 1 and 2 and Exercise set 1.
PvM 29/01/2025: below You can find the Course Guide.
General information
Welcome to the web page for GAME THEORY (UEC-52803).
This course will take place in Period 4 of the Academic Year 2024--2025.
Here You find the
Course Guide.
Please read it CAREFULLY. Some information there may
overrule the old information in the Course Guide.
You can access this web page directly or via a click in Brightspace.
The course has two parts: non-cooperative game theory taught by Pierre v. Mouche
in weeks 1 and 2 and cooperative game theory taught in week 3 by Hans-Peter Weikard.
First meeting: Monday 10-02-2025, 14:00--16:20 in B0411 (Forum).
Exam: Friday 07/03/2025, 13:30--15:15 in B4035 (Orion).